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Our crew move into newly expanded HQ

We have recently unveiled our new Operations area and Clinical Education space, part of an expansion of our existing HQ in Stokenchurch, Buckinghamshire.

The new facilities mean that, while our helicopter continues to fly from RAF Benson, our fleet of Critical Care Response Vehicles now operate from Stokenchurch. As well as bringing most of the crew and charity staff together under one roof, the newly expanded HQ brings our cars closer to vital road networks via the M40, ensuring speedy access to those in need.

Thank you for helping us make this dream space a reality for our crews.

Amanda McLean, Chief Executive

The expanded HQ has state-of-the-art facilities and bespoke areas, designed with crew in mind. In our Operations area, there is a spacious kit room to re-pack after a callout and a wellbeing room, so that crew have a place to relax during a rare moment of downtime. For the first time ever, we have a dedicated space for Clinical Education. Here, critical care paramedics and doctors can train for all eventualities and practice complex procedures in realistic conditions. 

Amanda McLean, our Chief Executive, said:   

“In 1999, our service first took to the skies to treat patients in need. Since then, we’ve been called out nearly 35,000 times. We’ve also evolved as a service – growing our fleet to include five critical care response vehicles, becoming an independent healthcare provider, and taking our flight operations in-house. Now, our newly expanded HQ ushers in an exciting new phase for our charity.

“Our new Clinical Education Centre and space for ground operations allows us to bring most of our team under one roof. It’s also a truly bespoke space that opens up new avenues for us. None of this would be possible without the support of our community and corporate partners. Thank you for helping us make this dream space a reality for our crews.”