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Our Services


On an average day, we are called-out nine times to treat people in need of our services. Within minutes, we bring the expertise, equipment and treatment of the hospital to the most critically ill and injured patients across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire.

Find out more about our life-saving services and how our team gives you the best chance when the worst happens.

chest compressions

Skills and expertise

Unlike a regular ambulance, our helicopter and critical care response vehicles carry a doctor as well as paramedics. With a doctor onboard, we can bring the skills and expertise of a hospital to the scene of an emergency.

Our paramedics, doctors and pilots work as a team, together with the other emergency services, to deliver the best care for patients. They can perform critical medical procedures before getting the patient to hospital, relieving pain, straightening broken limbs and delivering emergency anaesthesia.

Our crews aim to be the best they can be, continually training and developing. Each crew member goes through realistic practice scenarios, so they’re ready for any eventuality.


Minutes matter when it comes to major trauma incidents. The flight time between our base at RAF Benson and anywhere in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire or Oxfordshire is just 15 minutes.

From our base at RAF Benson in South Oxfordshire, our helicopter can quickly be dispatched to incidents across the Thames Valley.

We also use five critical care response vehicles to reach areas that may be more difficult to get to by helicopter, such as towns and cities.


Our learning, decision making and investments are built on evidence and research. We continually innovate to bring new technologies and medical interventions to our patients.

We were the first Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) unit in the country to use plasma on board for critically injured trauma patients. And among the first HEMS services to carry blood on board and use an ultrasound machine pre-hospital.