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TVAA helicopter G-TVAL

Support Us

Support us today

As a charity, we rely on the generosity of our supporters. We don’t receive any funding from the Government or National Lottery. This means people like you keep our helicopter in the air and our critical care response vehicles on the road.

Ways to support Us

Your support keeps us at the frontline of saving lives every day. With so many ways to give, whether through a regular donation or the gift of your time, every little thing you can do helps us give more people a chance when the worst happens. We couldn’t do what we do without you. 

TVAA collection tin

Where your money goes

For every £1 raised, we spend 66.4p (2018/19 figures) delivering emergency medical care, and preparing for the future.

The rest goes on fundraising, finance and administration, and governance and regulation. All crucial to keep saving lives.