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Corporate Support

Corporate Engagement

Our relationships with corporate partners keep us at the frontline of savings lives, while providing rewarding and fun experiences for employees.

If you choose to support us at work, our partnership will reflect your company’s motivation to get involved, whether it’s employee engagement, giving back to the community, or meeting your corporate social responsibility objectives.

We aim to build innovative, long-term, engaging partnerships that make a real difference for everyone involved.

our corporate partnership programme

From unique employee fundraising ideas to Payroll Giving, our corporate partnership programme has something for every business. We enable our partners to make an invaluable difference in a variety of innovative ways.

Internal fundraising that inspires with the support of a Fundraising Manager to propose unique ideas and help you facilitate them.

With our experience we can help you identify and organise the activities that will both resonate and motivate your colleagues to participate. Fundraising should be fun, and we make that a priority when creating a plan with you.

Fundraising for us can increase staff morale and motivation, as well as offering the potential for good publicity.

Our calendar of challenge events offers a varied range of ways to get involved. If you can’t find one that’s right for you or your business, get in touch and we can help create a bespoke event.

From abseiling to Zumba, challenge events give staff the opportunity to try new things, have fun and raise vital funds to support our work.

Payroll Giving further demonstrates commitment to the community by enabling employees to give to the causes that matter to them most, with ease and directly through their payroll.

If you or your employer don’t have a scheme already in place, we can guide your through the simple process of establishing one.

When you donate through Payroll Giving, your gift is deducted from your salary before tax, so it’s a tax efficient way to give. This also means the charity benefits, for example a £10 donation to a charity only costs a standard rate taxpayer £8.

Payroll Giving provides us a sustainable income, helping us keep flying and provide critical care to the patients who need it most.

Does your organisation provide match funding? If so, this could mean that your fundraising efforts go even further, with additional funding provided by your employer.

We appreciate every effort you make to support us. If you don’t yet have match funding at work, get in touch so we can help you maximise your fundraising potential by exploring opportunities with your employer.

Match funding may already exist within your organisation, or management may be open to submitting an application and we can guide you through this process.

A simple but sustainable way to support us is to consider making an ongoing commitment aligned with your business.

For example, a set contribution or percentage of proceeds from the sale of an item, selection of a service or referral scheme. The options are endless and seamless.

Enabling your customers to support your chosen charity while doing business is a great way to enhance your brand. The mutual commitment to the community is a great way to elevate your brand from those that don’t invest in community support.

Supporting us is not limited to generating money but could be the donation of products or services in kind.

Instead of supporting us financially, you can join our extensive list of suppliers and donate products or services vital to our operations. Alternatively, you may be able to supply prizes to help us fundraise during events and raffles.

Every gift in kind enables us to reduce our operating costs and ensures the sustainability of our charity for the future.

We can provide the experience and support to help you fulfil your charitable aspirations.

By joining with us in a long-term partnership, you benefit from us really understanding your business and the impact you want to make.

Our dedicated Account Manager will help you create and carry out a bespoke annual plan of fundraising activities and events that resonate with your organisation and objectives and to appeal to all your employees.

You’ll also have the opportunity to lend us your time and expertise, strengthening our charity and keeping your staff engaged and motivated.

Get in touch

If you would like more information, we’d love to hear from you. Simply complete our short form and our Corporate Partnerships Manager will be in touch.