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TV Show

More 4 viewers get chance to go behind the scenes with our crews

We are excited to announce we will be part of a More4 series showing crews responding to real incidents in the community when every minute matters. 

In a new 10-part series of Emergency Helicopter Medics, starting this Sunday (22nd May) at 9pm on More4, viewers will get a glimpse of what it is like to jump on board our helicopter, or buckle up in one of our Critical Care Response Vehicles.

This programme gives viewers a unique chance to put themselves in our shoes.

Kevin Letchford, Critical Care Paramedic

Among the call outs featuring our crews are a serious motocross incident, where a rider falls 12 feet, a motorcyclist with an open femur fracture, and suspected crossbow shooting.  

Kevin Letchford, Clinical Shift Manager and Critical Care Paramedic at Thames Valley Air Ambulance, who features in the series, said:

“Our doctors and paramedics are trained for every eventuality, so that we can give seriously ill and injured patients the best possible chance of survival and recovery. But every shift is different and we never know where the next call will take us.

“This programme gives viewers a unique chance to put themselves in our shoes. Come on board with us, as we care for real people, on possibly the worst day of their lives. While you watch the show, remember that we are completely funded by the generosity of our community – so it is thanks to our supporters that we are there when the worst happens.”