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Looking a little different

You may have noticed our logo has changed. We have recently moved from our previous logo to a new ‘star of life’ symbol. If it seems familiar to you, it’s because it’s a shape widely used to identify emergency medical services. From this month, you’ll start to see our new logo on communications you receive from us, as well as our website and of course our helicopter and critical care response cars.

Nothing else about our brand is changing. We’ll still have the same look and feel as ever. We’re still delivering the same lifesaving care across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire, 365 days a year.

If you have any questions about our new logo, we’d be happy to hear from you. You can get in touch with our team on info@tvairambulance.org.uk or call 0300 999 0135.


We have decided to move from our previous logo to a new ‘star of life’ symbol. This is a shape widely used to identify emergency medical services. As we work towards some exciting developments for our lifesaving service, including bringing our aviation operations in-house from September, we are excited to take supporters on the next step of our journey.

This is not a re-brand. Nothing else about our brand is changing. We’ll still have the same look and feel and still be recognisable to our supporters. Most importantly, we are still delivering the same lifesaving care across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire, 365 days a year.

The move is about making our charity stand out from other charities and other air ambulances, while at the same time being recognisable to our supporters and maintaining consistency with the frontline healthcare sector. This is not the first time we have made a change to our logo over the years. As with many aspects of our work, we are constantly adapting and refining our service to make sure we are the best that we can possibly be.

As a charity, we are always aware of the need to put donations to good use. After all, without the generous support of our community, we simply could not do what we do. That’s why we have kept expenditure on this logo change to the absolute minimum, coordinating the refresh of things such as merchandise with when they would naturally need to be re-ordered. We have a talented team working for our charity, who have been able to take on many of the costs associated with this logo change in-house.

If you are a supporter or a partner and you’re aware of a logo that needs updating, please get in touch with our team on info@tvairambulance.org.uk or call 0300 999 0135. We’re so grateful for the support of people across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire who collect on our behalf or raise awareness for us, and your help with this update is much appreciated.

TVAA helicopter and critical care response car
TVAA helicopter G-TVAL