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Centenarian fundraiser receives MBE in New Year’s Honours list

104-year-old Ruth Saunders, from Newbury, has had her fundraising efforts recognised with an MBE.

The pandemic forced the centenarian to stop her usual fundraising coffee mornings. In their place, Ruth started a daily walk on 8 September around her block. She was aiming for 104 laps in total, equal to over 20 miles.

She accepted the challenge of undertaking the full marathon distance after her granddaughter had thrown down the gauntlet. She crossed the finishing line of her marathon walk at Newbury Racecourse on 4 November.

Ruth has supported Thames Valley Air Ambulance ever since her son broke his leg and needed emergency medical treatment. 

A truly well-deserved honour for Ruth. Her energy, her determination and her sense of fun were just awe-inspiring. We are a charity and without the support of people like Ruth, we couldn’t provide our life saving services to the most critically injured or ill people who need us. Thank you to Ruth for being a shining light in a very tough year.

Amanda McLean, Chief Executive

Read more about Ruth’s marathon challenge, or support her via her JustGiving Page.