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TV Show


Last week, our very own doctor Chloe made an appearance alongside former EastEnders’ actor Ross Kemp as part of BBC One’s Britain’s Volunteer Army. The programme, which focuses on individuals and businesses going above and beyond to volunteer in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, featured the wonderful 137 Gin and their efforts to repurpose their Newbury based distillery to manufacturer hand sanitiser.

In March, we launched an appeal to businesses across the Thames Valley to donate personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure that our doctors, paramedics and pilots were protected from infection and reduced the risk of infecting vulnerable patients, colleagues and their families.

‘I’ll be doing this until it’s needed to be done’ said Pete, the owner of 137 Gin, responding to the appeal. 137 Gin had already turned their distillery over to making hand sanitiser in an effort to support medical staff and carers during the pandemic and became one of 130 individuals and businesses who generously offered to donate PPE to our appeal.

We received an overwhelming response and were delighted that the efforts of 137 Gin, one of many wonderful donors, were recognised on the BBC One show. Ross Kemp has kindly supported Thames Valley Air Ambulance in the past, donating his time to announcing and prize giving at the Cookham Dean Gravity Grand Prix which has helped raise tens-of-thousands of pounds for our charity.

Watch doctor Chloe, Ross Kemp and Pete, from 137 Gin on BBC iPlayer using the link below.

Watch the episode that features Doctor Chloe on the BBC iplayer website