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Explore our frequently asked questions below. Can’t find the information you’re looking for? Get in touch via the contact information below.

Thames Valley Air Ambulance
Stokenchurch House
Oxford Road
HP14 3SX

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Payroll Giving is one of the simplest and efficient ways to donate.

Get in touch by emailing partnerships@tvairambulance.org.uk

It costs £3,900 to send our helicopter on each lifesaving mission. As an independent charity, we receive no government or National Lottery funding. We rely solely on generous donations from people like you.

Please donate today and help keep us at the frontline of saving lives.

Having a doctor on board in addition to our highly qualified Critical Care Paramedics is one of the ways our service differs from a standard road ambulance. Together, our crew brings the ideal blend of expertise.

With a doctor and Critical Care Paramedic on board our vehicles, we can administer lifesaving drugs and advanced pain relief as well as perform hospital-level procedures at the scene of the emergency.

Thames Valley Air Ambulance is a charity at the frontline of saving lives. We provide emergency medical care by air and land to patients in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, and Oxfordshire. Our critical care paramedics and doctors are highly trained and ready for any eventuality. We bring the hospital to the patient, giving you the best chance when the worst happens.

Every day, somebody in our community could be in urgent need of our service. We rely solely on generous donations from the public. Your support allows us to deliver care to the most critically ill and injured people night and day, 365 days a year.