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What Does A Training Scenario Look Like?

Our paramedics and doctors are dispatched to the most critical incidents in our community. So, we need to make sure they are trained regularly and always ready for whatever a shift may bring.

To help drive forward our ambitious education strategy, we’ve recently introduced the brand-new role of Clinical Educator. This is a job that some of our Critical Care Paramedics are taking on, in addition to their work on the frontline of saving lives.

Critical Care Paramedic Emma is one of those stepping into the new role. “My fellow Clinical Educators and I have really hit the ground running” she explains. “In January we organised our Review of Clinical Competencies (RoCC) training at our new Pre-Hospital Education Centre, which keeps our clinicians on top of new techniques and best practice. It’s all about making sure we are as prepared as possible for the range of intense scenarios we can find ourselves in.”

Our training keeps crews feeling confident in how to deal with the highest priority incidents and we use some amazing kit to make it as realistic as possible. “From lifelike manikins of all ages to staged simulations, we make our education space feel as much like a real scene as we can. We are always reflecting on how we can make our training more realistic and immersive. We have people acting as bystanders and we often stage scenarios outside, to replicate the types of distractions we might face in real life. This all means we can practise procedures ranging from surgical airways to emergency c-sections. These techniques prepare our crews to help save lives.”

Training like this means our crews are ready for every eventuality. But it wouldn’t be possible without your support. So, from Emma and the rest of our education team, thank you for keeping our crew at the pinnacle of what’s possible.